GUI translation services & HMI translation services

Expert & experienced HMI translation services
& GUI translation services = better product

Because in GUI/HMI translation, user experience matters.

“Hang on, HMI or GUI translation should be easy – it’s only a few words, nothing to it?”

Most translators and agencies – and even many Companies –  think the same. They assume that because GUI text is just a few single words or short phrases, translation will be easy. I mean, it’s only a few words, right?

Utterly wrong. GUI or HMI text sent for translation – typically as an Excel table – commonly has no context, and unless the translator makes the effort (and has the background) to understand how your system works and is used, and what each GUI or HMI element actually does, translation IS easy – easy to get utterly wrong, sometimes dangerously so.

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HMI & GUI Translation image

Most translators (and translation agencies/Companies) don’t “get” GUI/HMI translation. They just translate the text on the page – but without that understanding, the results can easily be garbage.

We’re different – our Production Director, and in-house tame engineer – who’s spent many years around industrial plant – genuinely enjoys understanding your system and GUI/HMI, and will happily spend hours annotating the text so the translator is crystal-clear on how it all fits together and can produce a perfect translated interface.

Still, it keeps him out of mischief…

Real-world GUI & HMI experience is key

Few translators – and fewer agencies and Companies – possess the wide industrial systems background to grasp the context (so correct translation) of each item and translate appropriately. The result is a translated GUI or HMI that is at best awkward to use and at worst may be dangerous or damaging.

Your GUI or HMI is the most seen and interacted-with part of your system. As well as being key to the system’s proper use and safety, it’s a highly-visible part of your brand. So your choice of GUI or HMI translator is JUST as critical as your choice of equipment or componentry.

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HMI translation can get a bit GUI in non-exoert hands...

Space – the final frontier

A GUI or HMI often has fixed field sizes the text has to fit. Unfortunately, most languages are longer than English…

A very simple example: “NO” has 2 letters. The German equivalent, “NEIN” has 4. In a fixed-width system font, it takes twice as much space. Because we’re experienced in GUIs and HMIs we know this, and will ensure we liaise with you on available text lengths, and with the translator to ensure those are adhered to.

Useful advice: NEVER place GUI or HMI translation with a translator who doesn’t ask about field lengths. It won’t end well.

HMI and GUI proofreading & testing

We’re happy to proofread or test the translated GUI or HMI, either from screenshots or on a simulated system. We’d always recommend post-upload proofreading of a translated HMI or GUI – while testing a new system we usually spot several issues that couldn’t have been picked up from the text alone.

To learn more  about our HMI and GUI translation, drop us a few details (in total confidence of course) and we’ll get straight back to you. Or, just give our helpful team a call on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (Intnl 0044 1772 558858)

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