Russian Translation Services & Russian Interpreting Services

Professional mother-tongue Russian translation & press-ready Russian DTP

Russian transcription, voiceover & subtitling

Certified Russian to English translation services


We utterly condemn Putin’s obscene criminal aggression against Ukraine, and fully support the measures taken against Russia.

However, customers still need Russian translation and we continue to provide that through our extensive linguist network outside of Russia and working with professional partners in Ukraine to provide income and access to work.

We’ve been providing expert Russian to English and English to Russian translation and Russian interpreting services since 1990, to exporters right across the technical & engineering, logistics, insurance, legal and financial sectors.

We also provide Russian transcription in support of research, and our certified Russian to English translation helps many legal and private clients.

We price to be the most cost-effective we can while retaining good, professional translators and interpreters. That means if you really, really just want the cheapest solution, it probably isn’t us – but before leaving, do check out these examples of low-cost “professional” translation – and yes, these are all genuine.

Russian-English & English-Russian translation & Russian interpreting services

We’ve provided over 1,000 English to Russian and Russian to English translation services to date. The largest was a 2-year aviation project, translating 300,000 words and delivering hundreds of hours of Russian interpreting. Others include ongoing technical and logistics projects, insurance, legal, and general commercial & financial material. We also do a lot of work for private clients (particularly certified Russian translation services).

While English to Russian translation is easy to find, we’d advise caution – experience has narrowed our trusted partners down to just 3. You may find our FAQ and Really Helpful Friendly Guide to Language Translation useful for advice on getting better translation.

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russian translation services russian interpreting

SME-friendly Russian interpreting & translation services

With over 30 years’ experience in a wide range of sectors and specialisms we handle most sectors, and with 3,000+ professional confidentiality-assured partners, and our built-in double review process – included in the translation price – you can trust our Russian translation. And that’s true whether you need translation of a tender, manual, brochure or legal contract.

As exporters ourselves, we’d love more SMEs to win export success. Our SME-friendly pricing assures you of great quality and service, and even if you’ve never bought translation before, don’t worry – our helpful expert PMs are here to help. Check out this press release to see how well that’s working for this SME.

Like to know more about Russia and Russian?

Expatica – the leading site for expats – has a great page on the life, language and history of this vast country. And while few will consider visiting while Russia’s appalling aggression toward Ukraine continues, the sheer amount of information here is well worth knowing about.

Russian DTP and multimedia

Need that translation in a Quark brochure or Illustrator flyer? How about as a training video or cool animated presentation? Our Russian DTP and multimedia services are just what you need.

But do be aware that Russian DTP isn’t like English or French! A Cyrillic alphabet is used, with a character set completely different to Western alphabets (except for Greek). Here’s an example: Образцово-показательный

Most fonts can’t handle Cyrillic or do so only partly, so make sure to use experienced professional Russian DTP services. Russian is also very long, with bulky characters and wide spacing, so fitting everything in can be problematic – as a result, expert Russian proofreading is essential. Our own popular in-house Russian DTP services are fully proof-read and delivered press-ready – here’s an example.

With SME-friendly pricing and decades of experience, what’s not to like? And it’s all in-house too – unlike too many providers we don’t subcontract your stuff to the cheapest supplier.

Russian interpreting services

While for business Russian interpreting has – for obvious reasons – largely stalled, the language remains in high demand for public sector and medical work.

And did you know that Russian interpreting can often cover for scarcer languages such as Latvian, Lithuanian and others of ex-Soviet Bloc countries?

Russian is often the second language in these so if you can’t find interpreting in the main language, a Russian interpreter can often help. If you’d like to know more about our Russian interpreting services just call us on Freefone 0800 783 4678 or drop us a note.

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Notarized and certified Russian translation

Certified translation is the UK equivalent to Europe’s “sworn translation”. To be able to certify translation a translator needs excellent qualifications and experience, and is normally a full member of either the CIoL or the ITI.

Non-UK use may require sworn or notarised translation, or a Consulate-registered translator – see our certified page for more info.

Russian transcription services

Russian transcription projects include conference material and academic research, both mono- or bilingual (with a Russian to English translation). For legal use we offer certified Russian transcription too – there’s more on our Transcription page.

image for foreign language voiceover

Russian voiceover or subtitling

Unfortunate fact: most UK voiceover services have more interest in recording and in video than they do in translation. And that’s as true of Russian voiceover as it is of any other language.

Not us. We’re first and foremost a translation company, so accuracy is key. We translate and review all our Russian subtitling and voiceover scripts ourselves. And we do so with 100% professionally-qualified mother-tongue translators and reviewers.

We will only record them when we’re happy, using pro mother-tongue voices and studios. So our Russian voiceover doesn’t just sound good – it IS good. And our Russian subtitling is to the same high standard. There’s more information on our voiceover page.

Length is a key factor in Russian voiceover. Translating English to Russian can easily grow the text 30%, so if you’re making video that will need Russian voiceover do try to allow some space for this longer translation, and keep the pacing reasonable.

And DO make sure your translator is familiar with Russian voiceover translation – it’s far better to get translation right for voiceover before setting foot in the studio, than to run-up high studio costs trying to fix it on the day (which won’t work well – your content will likely be butchered to fit, with little or no say from you). You’ll find more advice on Russian voiceover in our Really Helpful Friendly Voiceover Guide.

To learn more about how our highly-experienced well-qualified Russian interpreting and translation services can work for you, drop us a few details (in total confidence of course) and we’ll get straight back to you. Or, just give our helpful team a call on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (Intnl 0044 1772 558858)