Corona can kill international business.
Remote transcription helps keep things on-track
Multilingual remote transcription services can really help you keep control of international business facing the corona virus challenge. Many businesses have switched to virtual meetings – often from homes – to minimise risk. But keeping track of who said what in those circumstances is challenging, especially in multiple languages. Recording, and multilingual remote transcription, fix that.
In these troubled times we’re pulling language tips from our 30 years’ experience to help you survive, or even thrive, despite budget or travel restrictions. This is the fourth, looking at how multilingual transcription can help keep your teams up-to-date. But do remember we’re here to help, so if you need language for another idea, just ask!
Corona poser 4: Virtual meetings are OK, but there’s no virtual minutes…
You know you placed that urgent action on Marc – but does he? A month’s time is not the time to find nothing’s happened.
By simply recording the meeting, remote transcription allows you to have a detailed record, in any languages needed, of what was said and who was tasked. Quickly, effectively, and at low cost.
Remote transcription – local action
Our English and foreign language transcription services deliver accurate transcription, and translation if needed, promptly and effectively in your preferred format. So you can be confident there’s no misunderstanding, no loss of key information, and any actions placed are clearly documented.

Another Language Tip for Troubled Times will follow shortly – so watch this space. While you’re here, why not check-out the rest of what we do?