High quality translation services (BS EN ISO 17100) only come from high quality people
High quality translation doesn’t just happen. It demands the right people with the right skills and experience, and like everything else you get what you pay for.
But the best translation develops over time, as translators build familiarity with your products and terminology. That’s why a long-term partnership with a good translation provider isn’t just about translation. It’s about trust, reliability, consistency, friendly helpful support and advice and more.
And of course cost-effectiveness.
High quality translation services need good relationships. That’s why we hand-pick excellent linguists to be our friendly helpful project managers, and select the best qualified professional language partners. Because we want happy clients that keep coming back.
and high quality systems
Our unique systems – accredited to BS EN ISO 17100 (the official record is here)- draw on 17 years’ ISO 9001 experience from top-end manufacturing and over 30 years in the language industry, supported by leading-edge Trados CAT tools. Client feedback shows it doesn’t just work – it works really well.
Key elements include:
- Total Job Management, part of our unique database, designed and built in-house, plans and controls every activity on your project – from enquiry to invoice.
- Continuous improvement of our processes, as part of our processes.
- Instant access for new projects to previous material and contributing linguists ensures continuity as well as matching the best linguists for your stuff.
- 100% review and revision of every translation. Because one thing “high quality translation” providers must ensure is really good translation. Yet many charge extra for review. Should that even be possible?
- 100% follow-up of every interpreting assignment means we shape our way to your way. So – for example – our medical interpreting is adapted to individual hospitals’ needs, so their interpreting is delivered their way.
- Diligent partner selection and management means we ONLY consider experienced translators with excellent CVs, good experience and appropriate qualifications (typically e.g. ITI or CIoL membership).
- Trust. We’re frequently amazed to see other providers posting what are obviously major projects on translator bulletin boards looking for translators who are – self-evidently – unknown to the provider. Because we never do that, you can be sure that your translators are known to us, and are trusted and experienced. We’d add that we reject LOTS of translators you’ll find working for others. And those we do accept continue to be monitored on every assignment – because BEING good does not guarantee STAYING good.

High quality translation people +
high quality systems =
high quality translation services.
If only more providers understood that…
Translation is a funny business, and the growth in machine translation seems to be making it weirder every day. We test apparently reputable providers, only to receive product that has clearly been machine translated without anyone bothering to check it. DESPITE our order stating that machine translation must NOT be used…
A case in point was a potential new provider’s translation of instructions for fitting a rubber boot to CV joints on vehicles. The “translation” that came back included car luggage boots, walking boots, high-heeled boots and more – the one thing it DIDN’T correctly translate ANYWHERE was the joint boot we needed.
That translation company is still in business, so be careful…
High quality translation can often cost less.
Our most successful clients include us in their processes, which means their projects can benefit early-on from our decades of experience. That can help with in-country factors that affect product acceptance, language layout and formatting, packaging design and even product colour. And that relationship also means lots of savings for them, like no minimum charges or even short texts for free.
Most importantly, through handling our customers’ ongoing content we build a translation database which not only ensures consistent terminology and style, but can also yield significant discounts with 40-50% not uncommon.
Or, you CAN of course just scrabble around job-by-job for the cheapest translator. But in the end you’ll pay more, and get less. Your call.
For a better language solution for your needs, drop us a few details (in total confidence of course) and we’ll get straight back to you. Or, just give our helpful team a call on UK Freefone 0800 783 4678 (Intnl 0044 1772 558858)