Before our competitors get too excited by the heading I should clarify – the Lifeline team piled into Southport today to join Cancer Research UK’s Race For Life to raise money for researching this cruel and brutal illness. Everyone was there except 2 who couldn’t make it and another who was there, but committed to running with another team (hi Sarah!). Over 1600 ladies aged 2 to 82 participated, in oufits from the practical to the peculiar and included a pair who completed the 5km course as a 3-legged race and a team of 4 carrying an inflatable dinosaur (also of course wearing the essential pink T-shirt). Lifeline opted for Company logo’d T-shirts and “sensible” kit giving a practical but cool look – in the less than clement weather, a little too cool and the T-shirts were largely obscured by jackets until the gang warmed up!
As you may know it’s an event for the fairer sex only so Mark was there in a photographic and support role – but dutifully completed the course with the girls anyway! A few pix are below – fortunately the potential downpour stayed away, and the worst we faced was a stiff breeze and light showers… we’ve yet to tot-up the proceeds but it looks like a couple of hundred pounds for this excellent cause.
For most who took part the Race is a real opportunity to have fun and raise money to help friends and relatives – and for some the research may save their own lives one day. On a depressing note though we were stunned to hear 1 in 3 will fail to send in their sponsorship money. While some may just forget, for most that’s simple and cynical theft from the family, friends and colleagues who’ve sponsored them in good faith. In case any of these thieves are reading this we want them to know – you are really, really pathetic…
For everyone else though, a great big “Well done!” to those who took part in the Southport Race for Life, and who has taken part or will be taking part in any of the many other Cancer Research UK events around the UK – check out the pages at Race For Life to see what’s on in your area. It’s a great way to spend a morning – we all enjoyed it, despite the weather, and some of us are already planning to join the Tatton Park event in June – which is only twice as far… gulp!
To finish – pix! We have below:

Lifeline & friends BEFORE the race…
Lifeline warming up to the Village People’s “YMCA” (no, seriously!)
Finished! Phew…